Saturday, November 8, 2008

Summary about inconvenient truth.

Al Gore shifted his interest from politics to environmental issues and tried to utilize his diplomatic position in raising awareness and working on solving the problem of global warming. He was influenced by his college professor Roger Rovelle who was the first person to propose measuring carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and he drew the connection between the changes in modern civilization and the patterns of CO2 results. He also estimated what could happen unless serious changes are made.

The basic scientific definition of global warming is explained through this process: normally the solar radiation passes through the atmosphere and then it is re-radiated back into the space as infrared waves but the earth's thin atmosphere traps some of the outgoing infrared waves to warms it and makes it habitable. However, the global warming pollution thickens the atmosphere which leads to trapping more outgoing infrared and heating up the earth climate.

The CO2 level in the atmosphere has also tremendously increased which consequently raised the temperature and it is going to double within less than 50 years by the unrestricted fossil-fuel burning.

The impact of global warming has become visible. Huge amount of glacier has melted as the climate raised and this will lead to a shortage in drinking water. The ice-caps which bounce off the sun rays and keep the earth cooler have decreased by 40% in 40 years. In addition, global warming increased and influenced natural catastrophes such as floods, drought and hurricanes for example as oceans got warmer the intensity of storms grew. It also caused construction damages and increased soil evaporation. Furthermore, it increased precipitations and relocated them world wide and it also affected the seasons which accordingly influenced a lot of ecological niches. This also led to increasing the number of invasive species and expanding the range of vectors of emerging infectious diseases. One of the severe results of global warming is the melting of land-base ice caps which will raise the sea level and will lead to drowning the low countries and displacing millions of people.

There are several causes for the global warming. One of them is the increase in population which increased the demands and consumptions of natural resources. The scientific and technological revolution, people's current lifestyle and the misuse of technology added up to the problem.

Additionally, there are common misconceptions related to the global warming issue. People are confused because of the attempts of repositioning global warming as theory rather than fact to achieve economical goals. It is also mistakenly believed that there is no balance between economic growth and the environment and people have to choose between them, whereas both can be achieved by having environmental standards in our industry. The last misconception is that individuals think they have no impact in solving the carbon and climate problem.

The solutions are applicable for individuals who choose to start saving the earth for the future generations. Some of the basic and handy solutions are the use of efficient electricity appliances, efficient transportation, eliminating carbon capture and storage supplies and use renewable technology.

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