Monday, December 29, 2008

TDIC developments (Desert Islands)

Many countries in the world are improving by development and the UAE one of these countries. The UAE has many developmental projects which managed by Tourism Development and Investment Company (TDIC). Now, I’m going to talk about one of those developments that I really liked which is Desert Islands.

This project will consist of eight islands. I will talk about Sir Bani Yas because it is the first island which opened to the public. Sir Bani Yas located just eight kilometers off the shore of the Western region of Abu Dhabi. It originally home to Arabia's largest wildlife reserve and Spanning over 87 square kilometers. The reserve was established by Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan. It is now home to thousands of animals and over 2.5 million trees and plants.
Some Features:
· Arabian Wildlife and Safari Park.
· The Desert Islands Resort & Spa managed by Anantara.
· Five star luxury Arabian camps.
· Nature- based adventure activities and game drives.
· Bird sanctuary.
· Walking trails and canoe rides.

In the summary, Abu Dhabi government tries their best to attract the tourists. I think they succeed but I hope this project will not effect at global warming in the future.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cool City.

The life is changing and the world become develops. There are many problems in the world such as increasing of population, global warming, air and noise pollution. To solve these problems, cool cities (SDJC) plan has been set for the gulf because cool cities become very familiar in these days.

This project is helping to reduce carbon emission by building a network of cool cities which use natural power. As we know 90% of the CO2 is released from buildings and transport. By building a city with 1 km radius the transport problem will be solved because everything will be reachable by walking. There are also monorail station, Light rail transit station, water transportation and hybrid car parking areas. All the buildings will be green buildings so the CO2 will be reducing as much as possible.

In my opinion cool cities is one of the main solutions for solving the global warming. I advice that rich countries try to support poor countries by providing them money to build the cool cities to solve many problems in the world because build cool city is very expansive.

Carbon Footbrint.

Carbon footprint is a representation of the effect human activities have on the climate in terms of the total amount of greenhouse gases produced (measured in units of carbon dioxide). When I calculated my footprint average I got score of 17.5.

I found from the quiz that I do many thing affect in global warming. First, I don't recycle paper, plastic or metal which doesn’t help to reduce the waste in the country. Second, I used to use my car as a mean transport and a car is one of sources that cause air pollution. Finally, I eat a lot meat and dairy products which also effects. The only good thing that I could find from the results of my quiz is that I don’t heat my house a lot. One of the things I should do is try to recycle any material I have bought and encourage my family to do the same by using the recycle place near Spinney’s. Recycling is important because it helps to turn waste into useful materials. Another solution would be reduce using my car all the time and try to walking sometime or going with a friend by using public transport would be better. Finally making my diet healthier by cutting down on meat and dairy products and making vegetables the main source of my meal instead of meat products.

In conclusion, there are many problems related to my footprint but also many solutions. One of the solutions to help reduce the effect of global warming is to decrease our carbon footprint level. i hope that i can decreace my footprint even if it not that high.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

my opinion about inconvenient truth.

In my opinion, that the movie is moral not political because Al Gore was telling us about the consequences of global warming and how to solve them, he never mentioned anything political. The movie attracted my attention and the subject is an interesting. I like this movie because it gave me new information and it encourages me to care more about global warming. Al Gore made the movie easy to understand and he has perfect speaking skills. Also I like what Al Gore said about ice melting which affect human’s life because with a huge amount of melting of glaciers will lead to shortage of drinking water.. The temperature is an increasing because of global warming, I think we must do something to reduce carbon dioxide emission that caused by factories and cars. So we should try to removal of carbon capture and storage to protect future generations from the risks by use the renewable sources.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Summary about inconvenient truth.

Al Gore shifted his interest from politics to environmental issues and tried to utilize his diplomatic position in raising awareness and working on solving the problem of global warming. He was influenced by his college professor Roger Rovelle who was the first person to propose measuring carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and he drew the connection between the changes in modern civilization and the patterns of CO2 results. He also estimated what could happen unless serious changes are made.

The basic scientific definition of global warming is explained through this process: normally the solar radiation passes through the atmosphere and then it is re-radiated back into the space as infrared waves but the earth's thin atmosphere traps some of the outgoing infrared waves to warms it and makes it habitable. However, the global warming pollution thickens the atmosphere which leads to trapping more outgoing infrared and heating up the earth climate.

The CO2 level in the atmosphere has also tremendously increased which consequently raised the temperature and it is going to double within less than 50 years by the unrestricted fossil-fuel burning.

The impact of global warming has become visible. Huge amount of glacier has melted as the climate raised and this will lead to a shortage in drinking water. The ice-caps which bounce off the sun rays and keep the earth cooler have decreased by 40% in 40 years. In addition, global warming increased and influenced natural catastrophes such as floods, drought and hurricanes for example as oceans got warmer the intensity of storms grew. It also caused construction damages and increased soil evaporation. Furthermore, it increased precipitations and relocated them world wide and it also affected the seasons which accordingly influenced a lot of ecological niches. This also led to increasing the number of invasive species and expanding the range of vectors of emerging infectious diseases. One of the severe results of global warming is the melting of land-base ice caps which will raise the sea level and will lead to drowning the low countries and displacing millions of people.

There are several causes for the global warming. One of them is the increase in population which increased the demands and consumptions of natural resources. The scientific and technological revolution, people's current lifestyle and the misuse of technology added up to the problem.

Additionally, there are common misconceptions related to the global warming issue. People are confused because of the attempts of repositioning global warming as theory rather than fact to achieve economical goals. It is also mistakenly believed that there is no balance between economic growth and the environment and people have to choose between them, whereas both can be achieved by having environmental standards in our industry. The last misconception is that individuals think they have no impact in solving the carbon and climate problem.

The solutions are applicable for individuals who choose to start saving the earth for the future generations. Some of the basic and handy solutions are the use of efficient electricity appliances, efficient transportation, eliminating carbon capture and storage supplies and use renewable technology.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Introdaction to Global Warming

In this blog I will talk about the global warming which is the raise in the temperature in the earth because of the change in the heat energy in the environment. Its normally called when the heat in the earth raise from its normal rate.
This problem happens because of the gases of the global warming. Some of these gases are carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane. They absorb some of the heat and then release it again in the air so it become warmer than it should be. And all of this is because we burn huge amounts of the fossil foils.
In my opinion it’s a big problem, because even if the carbon dioxide decreased we will face changes in the climate. But it will be noticed after some time. So we will be in a warm era. I think this problem will cause a drawing death for the poor people by the flood.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I wrote this post to introduce myself and to talk about the purpose of my blog. My name is Salem Omar AlAmeri. I was born in Abu Dhabi, in 1985. I live now in AlBahya which about 35 km from Abu Dhabi. I live in a villa with my family. I have four brothers and two sisters, I’m the oldest. I’m a student in Abu Dhabi Men’s College. I sponsored by the Municipality for three years as Civil Engineering and I will graduated as a diploma.
There are some purposes of this blog. Firstly, it will help me to improve my skills in English like writing and reading. It also helps me to get new information when I read other blogs. The blog can help the other students when they enter it. They can read and learn new things by sharing the ideas. So don’t be shy to write your comments in my page.